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Work-at-Home Mum Nominated for ‘Australian of the Year’ Award

Saturday, January 19, 2008 | Labels: | |

Australia, Commonwealth of (Press Release) January 18, 2008 -- The woman who has been the driving force behind the Virtual Assistant Industry in Australia was nominated for the 2008 Australian of the Year Award in Community Service.

Kathie M. Thomas, Founder & CEO of a company known as A Clayton’s Secretary recently received word of her nomination. “I have no idea who nominated me but it was a wonderful surprise to receive the letter and certificate in the mail,” said Ms. Thomas.

The nominee is credited with assisting hundreds of women, in Australia and overseas, in establishing home-based businesses as a result of their desires to be a work-at-home-mom. "Working at home isn't something that everyone could do," according to Thomas, “but for those who have excellent office skills and need to be home for children or aged parents, it's an ideal way to keep those skills and still have an income.”

In addition to running her own successful business, Thomas is also an author who recently released her first book, "Worth More Than Rubies: The Value of a Work At Home Mum." She describes the book as a way to further encourage and assist women worldwide in their desire to return home.

The Australian of the Year Awards were founded in 1960, when Sir MacFarlane Burnet OM AK KBE received the inaugural award. This year a total of 14 people will be recognized in each state/territory (13 in Australian Capital Territory).

To learn more about Australian of the Year nominee Kathie Thomas, visit her website: http://asecretary.com.au. She may also be contacted via email: kathie@vadirectory.net or by telephone:

Ph: +613 9585 5780. Fax: +613 9585 3785

For more information:

Kathie M. Thomas
Ph: +613 9585 5780. Fax: +613 9585 3785

Visit our website: http://www.asecretary.com.au

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