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.99 Domain Names - a Professional Webmaster's Secret Weapon...

Monday, January 14, 2008 | Labels: , | |

United States of America (Press Release) January 14, 2008 -- Good News: .info domains are just .99 again! As before, this is a limited time offer. Webmasters from all over the world are scurrying to get their hands on this incredibly low price. Domain names ending in .info are becoming increasingly more popular, so you definitely don't want to miss out.

"I have several .info domains, and I love them. I think a .info domain name really sets the stage for what the site is all about. If someone sees a link to a site called "www.cooking.info" and they are looking for "cooking information", there's a pretty good chance they will check it out. I have over a hundred .info domain names which I purchased for .99 each, and they were simple to monetize. The best part is that at .99 each, I have saved over $500!"

This truly is a limited time offer that you won't want to let slip away. Whether you purchase one .99 .info domain name or 1000, this deal is unbeatable. To jump on this exciting offer, use coupon code 99INFODOT and visit: Dotster to make your purchase.

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