Submit a Free Press Release
Sunday, January 13, 2008 | | |All press releases must be emailed to
Please include the following information in your email:
Max: 100 characters
News body:
Max: 3,000 characters
Industry or Topic:
(e.g. business, cars, entertainment)
(leave blank if you would like keywords chosen for you)
Publisher / Author:
Max: 100 characters
Max: 100 characters
Address, Phone Number / Fax, Website etc:
Address, Phone Number / Fax, Website etc:
Note: All Submissions are subject to review for quality assurance purposes. Please allow at least 2-3 business days for your press release to be processed. We will notify you via email if your press release has been accepted (and posted) or if it has been rejected for any reason. We frequently moderate this blog and have no tolerance for spam or any sort of inappropriate entries. It is very important that you provide us with complete and current information to ensure that you get the most out of your free press release. Press releases are one of the easiest ways to boost your traffic, page rank, and overall income. There is no limit on the number of free press releases that you may submit and we do not require a link back, although it would certainly be appreciated. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.