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Work-at-Home Mum Nominated for ‘Australian of the Year’ Award

Saturday, January 19, 2008 | Labels: | 0 comments |

Australia, Commonwealth of (Press Release) January 18, 2008 -- The woman who has been the driving force behind the Virtual Assistant Industry in Australia was nominated for the 2008 Australian of the Year Award in Community Service.

Kathie M. Thomas, Founder & CEO of a company known as A Clayton’s Secretary recently received word of her nomination. “I have no idea who nominated me but it was a wonderful surprise to receive the letter and certificate in the mail,” said Ms. Thomas.

The nominee is credited with assisting hundreds of women, in Australia and overseas, in establishing home-based businesses as a result of their desires to be a work-at-home-mom. "Working at home isn't something that everyone could do," according to Thomas, “but for those who have excellent office skills and need to be home for children or aged parents, it's an ideal way to keep those skills and still have an income.”

In addition to running her own successful business, Thomas is also an author who recently released her first book, "Worth More Than Rubies: The Value of a Work At Home Mum." She describes the book as a way to further encourage and assist women worldwide in their desire to return home.

The Australian of the Year Awards were founded in 1960, when Sir MacFarlane Burnet OM AK KBE received the inaugural award. This year a total of 14 people will be recognized in each state/territory (13 in Australian Capital Territory).

To learn more about Australian of the Year nominee Kathie Thomas, visit her website: http://asecretary.com.au. She may also be contacted via email: kathie@vadirectory.net or by telephone:

Ph: +613 9585 5780. Fax: +613 9585 3785

For more information:

Kathie M. Thomas
Ph: +613 9585 5780. Fax: +613 9585 3785

Visit our website: http://www.asecretary.com.au

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.99 Domain Names - a Professional Webmaster's Secret Weapon...

Monday, January 14, 2008 | Labels: , | 0 comments |

United States of America (Press Release) January 14, 2008 -- Good News: .info domains are just .99 again! As before, this is a limited time offer. Webmasters from all over the world are scurrying to get their hands on this incredibly low price. Domain names ending in .info are becoming increasingly more popular, so you definitely don't want to miss out.

"I have several .info domains, and I love them. I think a .info domain name really sets the stage for what the site is all about. If someone sees a link to a site called "www.cooking.info" and they are looking for "cooking information", there's a pretty good chance they will check it out. I have over a hundred .info domain names which I purchased for .99 each, and they were simple to monetize. The best part is that at .99 each, I have saved over $500!"

This truly is a limited time offer that you won't want to let slip away. Whether you purchase one .99 .info domain name or 1000, this deal is unbeatable. To jump on this exciting offer, use coupon code 99INFODOT and visit: Dotster to make your purchase.

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Internet Marketing & Web Promotion Secret -- Get 100,000 New Inbound Links & Indexed in 1 Month

Sunday, January 13, 2008 | Labels: , | 0 comments |

Australia, Commonwealth of (Press Release) December 31, 2007 - SearchMarketingSales has stepped forward to unveil its ultimate Internet Marketing and website promotion secret to help Internet businesses achieve their Internet marketing goals while keeping at an affordable website promotion campaign budget.

Frederrick Abrugart, CEO of Search Marketing Sales Ltd, revealed how he engineered an ultra effective low-cost website promotion campaign that will put any webmasters Internet marketing at a new level.

"We achieved 100,000 new SEO-friendly inbound links and all indexed in 1 month. This is definitely a testimony of the effectiveness of our Internet Marketing strategy and Website Promotion Service."

Internet marketing has now become an intrinsic part of any business marketing plan. While most webmasters and SEO experts search and experiment with new web promotion methods to boost their Internet marketing effectiveness, SearchMarketingSales steps up its own web promotion marketing strategy -- It is not what new strategies to try but how those website promotion methods are being implemented. Even basic web promotion methods can be transformed to an ultimate Internet marketing weapon that will make the BIG difference and increase the likelihood of your on-line business becoming a financial success rather than an expensive flop.

Perhaps shocking to many, this certified SEO firm achieved such magnitude of link popularity surge and search engine rankings just by using 5 "so-called" basic Internet Marketing strategies but certainly with a tweak of its unique web promotion marketing concept:

- Press Release

- Article Submission

- Social Bookmarking

- Directory Submission

- Search Engine Submission

There must be an order, sequence and purpose in launching a successful and effective website promotion campaign. A productive and cost-effective Internet marketing is not just another submission to press agencies, article and bookmarking sites or the thousands of web directories. There is a process to apply and integrate those various basic web promotion methods. What, when and how you strategically launch each of those 5 standard internet marketing strategies in an orderly sequential manner underlines the basis of SearchMarketingSales Web Promotion Marketing model.

All it takes is just 1 month and a discipline approach towards Internet marketing. Any webmasters can acquire such massive inbound links and all links indexed in a flash. This groundbreaking Web Promotion Marketing strategy is now available in the e-book "Link Building Secret" which provides:

- Step by step instructions on how to embark Internet marketing campaign in an exceedingly effective and efficient way

- Detailed web promotion marketing model which involves 4 stages and describes what to do in each stage

- Guarded secrets on how to launch a successful press release, social bookmarking, text link ads, article and directory submission

- Surefire strategy to multiply current inbound links and magnetize search engine bots to crawl, validate and index new inbound links almost instantly

- Insiders' knowledge on SEO and website promotion misconceptions and many more

Already sold by the thousands, this e-book now available at a low price of only $19.99, is beyond doubt a must buy.

SearchMarketingSales unique and proven Web Promotion Marketing E-Book will guide organizations to set higher link building targets which are realistic and can be achieved. More than that, it will certainly maximize previous Internet marketing investment and help save tons of money on future website promotion campaign so that it generates maximum ROI (return on investments). You may download this ebook at:


Search Marketing Sales Ltd is a result-driven SEO and Internet marketing firm based in Melbourne, Australia. Established in 1999, SearchMarketingSales quickly grew into a full-fledge search optimization and web marketing establishment providing webmasters with a wide choice of affordable Website Promotion packages and extremely low-cost Web Marketing services that include manual article and directory submission, social bookmarking and search engine submission.

This company also offers award winning thematic Website Optimization Service and guaranteed DMOZ Submission Service.

For more information:

No 38 Sydney Road

Off Charles Street

Melbourne, Victoria

Australia 5302

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